Foreign Minister Kamikawa Meets Japanese Women in India

On August 20, Foreign Minister Yoko Kamikawa held a luncheon meeting with Japanese women residing in India during her official visit to Delhi. The gathering took place as part of FM Kamikawa’s agenda while in the Indian capital to attend the third Japan-India 2+2 Foreign and Defence Ministerial Meeting.

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The luncheon provided an opportunity for the Foreign Minister to engage directly with Japanese women who have made India their home, whether temporarily or long-term. Such meetings allow government officials to gain insights into the experiences of Japanese citizens living abroad and to understand the challenges and opportunities they face.

FM Kamikawa’s visit to Delhi underscores the growing strategic partnership between Japan and India. The 2+2 Ministerial Meeting, which brings together the foreign and defense ministers of both countries, is a key platform for discussing bilateral security cooperation and regional issues.

By taking the time to meet with Japanese women in India, FM Kamikawa demonstrated the Japanese government’s commitment to maintaining connections with its citizens overseas and understanding their perspectives. These interactions can inform policy decisions and help strengthen the support systems available to Japanese nationals living abroad.

The luncheon also likely served as a forum for the attendees to share their experiences of living and working in India, providing valuable cultural and social insights that can contribute to enhancing Japan-India relations at a people-to-people level.

As Japan continues to strengthen its ties with India in various sectors, including economics, defense, and technology, such grassroots interactions play a crucial role in fostering mutual understanding and deepening bilateral relations.

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