Indian equities are experiencing a surge in interest from Japanese retail investors, with billions of dollars pouring into the market in recent months. This influx of investment is driven by a combination of factors, including:
- Growth Potential: Japanese investors see India as a potential economic powerhouse, similar to China’s past rise.India’s young and growing population is a major attraction, with the United Nations projecting a 17% increase by 2050 compared to China’s shrinking population.
- Favourable Investment Accounts: The introduction of tax-free investment accounts in Japan this year has provided a new avenue for retail investors to invest in foreign markets, making India a particularly attractive option.
- Strong Performance: Indian stocks have been performing well compared to other developing economies. Data suggests holdings of Indian stocks rose more than those of any other developing nation last year.
This trend is evident in the growth of India-focused investment trusts in Japan. According to Bloomberg, the total assets of these trusts increased by 11% in January alone, translating to roughly $1.6 billion. When considering the gains of Indian stocks relative to the Japanese yen, estimates suggest an inflow of around $1 billion specifically into Indian equity funds.
This surge in investment is positive news for the Indian stock market, potentially leading to increased liquidity and boosting the value of Indian companies. However, some experts caution that investors should remain mindful of potential risks, such as fluctuations in currency exchange rates and the possibility of a market correction.